
I oscillate between intensely living in my frame, and intensely observing it.

This happens physically and mentally, sometimes in isolation. With others, without others — sometimes simultaneously. Dionysian, Apollonian.

Time and time again — with just a little momentum and focus in any direction, I become intoxicated in moments.
(It’s the choosing which direction that’s always the hardest part.)

What this translates to:

Physically, once “on”, it can feel damn near impossible to pivot over to a deep mental experience.

Mentally, once “on”, it can feel damn near impossible to pull away (from reading, writing, thinking, philosophical conversations, etc.), and redirect into a deep physical experience.

Sidenote: I realize that one is never ENTIRELY in a purely physical or purely mental state. But in sharing this post, I mean physical in the most active way, and mental in the most reflective way.

For a number of reasons, coaching soccer was a perfect fit and application to both challenge & satisfy all of this for me. The conditioning, the tryouts, the practices, the “vibe” cultivating, the pregame/postgame, the halftime talks, the GAMES <3 !! All of it.

And yet… once I demonstrated my ability in that platform to the extent that felt complete, I arrived at a gut-wrenching place…

I realized that I had killed my ability to continue to coach the game at the same depth and intensity that I’m wired for.

In no way am I done coaching, teaching, or competing. I am not done DOING what I love(!), or loving others(!), for that matter.

With every death, there is a birth.

At this time I feel drawn to expanding my ability to teach communication.

I also feel drawn to becoming a real surfer. :)

Part of me thinks I should just choose one, a greater part of me knows that I need both.
And, every part of me knows…

To feel satisfied in any platform, community is not only necessary, but essential.

Time to go buy a surfboard. ;)


Now read this

Where do you choose (and not choose) to be uncomfortable?

I’m pretty sure everyone has seen some form of this picture before. The little circle labeled “Your comfort zone” and the much bigger circle outside of it that says: “Where the magic happens.” Totally one of those lessons that is... Continue →