The Switch

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.”

-Teddy Roosevelt, 1910

If you’ve read my previous blog posts, you know the following:

  1. I am incredibly fascinated (but conflicted) by the space between the drive to accomplish and the feeling of “I am enough”.
  2. I tend to overthink things (or, depending on how you look at it… “enjoy indulging in deep thought”).
  3. I live for those subliminal moments just as much as anyone else.
  4. I know I need to embrace and take action towards what I’m fearful of, but uncertainty scares the hell outta me.

Here I am with my fifth post, and sharing anything on this blog still scares me! But continuing to share anyway has surprisingly brought a nice combination of fulfillment and exhilaration. I’ve definitely reached the point where I’d rather try and fail miserably than not try at all.

Piggybacking on my last post, on the role of bias and how that impacts where anyone is truly willing to be uncomfortable for the sake of growth, I want to address the idea of ALL IN or NOTHING today.

For all the analyzing that goes on in my head, there are also plenty of times where my thought process becomes extremely simple. It’s any time the Switch goes off.

“The Switch” ??

It’s any time a conscious decision is made to just GO. Rationality goes out the window. Doubt doesn’t exist. Forget should of/would of/could of. Thought turns to action.

You know what I’m talking about. It’s that incredible space where “game time”, “star power”, “lights out” – whatever you want to call it – begins.

I freakin love when the Switch goes off.

I don’t necessarily have any lesson here, but I would like to offer some encouragement to acknowledge and savor whenever “the Switch” goes off in your life. And with that – a reminder that this switch is entirely voluntary.

Who doesn’t love those little pockets of ecstasy created by nice surprises? That unexpected text or hug. That favorite song that comes up on shuffle at just the right moment. That acknowledgment for some small thing you did/said that someone noticed and took the time to share with you. All sweet moments for sure. But you don’t get to choose them.

The Switch is different though. You can decide to go ALL IN on anything you want.

Once faced with the opportunity to turn the Switch, are you going to show up or not?? Do you want to or not??

At least for me, this is the point where what REALLY lights me up (and therefore motivates me, and is something on a path that I want to pursue), suddenly becomes very clear.

Last night I saw a short film called “Under An Arctic Sky” at the Washington West Film Festival. The drive and commitment shown by the surfers and camera crew was UNREAL, in the most inspiring way. These guys literally went to the most remote area of Iceland, in the middle of winter (and also during the biggest storm in Iceland in the past 25 years), in search of the perfect surf. I don’t know what else to say other than GO SEE IT.
When do you turn on the Switch?
What’s worth fighting for?

Who’s worth fighting for?
Can you truly go all in if it’s not a competition?
Can you truly go all in without an audience?
Are you turning the Switch for you, or for someone else?
3 quick things to leave you with!

  1. “Happiness is the Path”, blog post by Brian MacKenzie (I shared this on my FB page earlier this year, but wanted to bring it up again.)
  2. Barbell Shrugged Podcast: “The Science on Motivation W/ Lenny Wiersma”
  3. What happens after the Switch… the Zone…

“Quiet, dark, alone. Always alone, even in a crowd, even when you’re surrounded by an entire arena of fans screaming your name. Alone in your head, alone with that buzz no one but you can feel… no outside static. No distraction. Right now, all about you. That dark side pushing you, burning in you… do it. Do it. You can hear your heart, you control every beat. You control everything. Somebody is talking at you… but you don’t hear and don’t want to. Later tonight someone – media, colleague, family – will say you’re a jerk, rude, and uncommunicative. They don’t get it and you don’t care. "In your own little world,” they say. Yes. Exactly. Get out. Leave me alone. Leave me alone.

You’re in the Zone.“


Now read this

Dionysian vs. Apollonian & embracing all the paradoxes

The greatest class I have ever taken was a course I took in grad school five years ago, called “The Rhetoric and Aesthetics of Everyday Life.” The major premise of the course was simple: Does life imitate art? Or does art imitate life?... Continue →