Pause, rewind, play

“The firefly and the star embody our metaphor: Sometimes the stars move, sometimes the firefly holds still; then the reverse. The caterpillar worm in chrysalis imagines wings, then cracks its coffin to rise as new creature, forgetful of the old.”

– Ray Bradbury, Beyond Giverny

Another post, another set of questions:

  1. How much of what I am attracted to right NOW – knowledge, beliefs, behaviors, explanations, curiosity, etc. – is driven by my fundamental core, versus prompted as a consequence/compromise/compensation from something in the past?

  2. Is what I am saying/doing right now advancing or defending me?

  3. To what extent do these questions matter, and also not matter?
    Woah, baby. It’s about to get deep.
    In this post I want to address the stories we tell and the stories we seek to be told to make ourselves feel better. I wanna dig into where that desire/search to be reassured STARTS. And I want to better navigate the decision to fully engage or not fully engage with what’s right in front of me.

In a world filled with an infinite amount of quantitative and qualitative measurements… there are SO MANY THINGS that don’t need to be defined.

Tis the season for resolutions. Whether you’ve already started them, you start them on January 1, or you call them “intentions” instead of “resolutions” because it makes you feel better about yourself and/or you think it’s more “politically correct”… kudos to you. Snarkiness aside, I think resolutions are great. They force you to heighten your awareness in assessing where you are and why, and want you want and why.

But quick question: If your life were illustrated by a garden – how many of your resolutions this year are perennial, and how many are evergreen?

Follow-up: What areas in your life truly require/are worthy of feedback and your receptiveness to that feedback? And what – and at what point – are those areas better left up to faith?
You know the little graphic that pops up and spins when your computer is processing something? It’s called a “throbber” – thank you, Google – and it doesn’t stop spinning until whatever function it’s working on has been fully loaded.

That throbber has been my brain spinning – nonstop and furiously – on the topic of summarizing this past year, and figuring out how to share my resolutions for next year.

Well let me telllllllll YOU. The thoughts are nowhere near complete, but I’m for sure processing. And through my journey of building myself from the inside out, I’ve realized that there’s actually no need to define this past year. (At least, not right now.)

2017 has been one of the most heartfelt, insightful, and transformative years of my life. And yet, when I say it like that – it doesn’t do it justice. But here’s the thing – I felt it. I still feel it. And I know, not just think, that that is more than enough.

In capturing 2017, I don’t need to hit pause and rewind for longer than an afternoon of reflection. I’m already hitting play and continuing to move forward – because I’ll be DAMNED if I’m not just getting started…

Sending love and best wishes to you all for a happy, healthy, rich and fulfilling 2018! <3


Now read this

Antibodies of interpersonal development

Let me preface this by saying that I’m no scientist. I do, however, enjoy using metaphors. :) So, let’s talk antibodies. Also called immunoglobulins, antibodies are little Y-shaped proteins that recognize foreign objects in the body.... Continue →